
Unlock Faster Google Rankings


  1. Case Studies
  2. Guarantee
  3. Cost
  4. Get Started

Case Studies

References: I have 2 SEO Agency owners who are happy to speak with you. Let me know if you’d like in an introduction. Each agency has 10+ years experience running agencies and trust our service with hundreds of keywords for many different clients.

SEO Consultant

Online Reputation Management

Painting, Pest Control, Trailers

Marketing Services

Dental and Plastic Surgery

Medical and Legal

Digital Marketing


CBD and Legal


Motivational Speakers


CBD and Legal



The service is NOT guaranteed to work.

However, I see 85% or more of all keywords improve in ranking.

In the few cases where rankings drop or don’t improve, it’s almost always one of two things:

  1. On-page content issue (thin content or page not well optimized with title, H1, etc)
  2. Google is ranking the wrong page

Luckily, we track all of your keywords for you and actively manage them, so if something isn’t improving, we diagnose it and help you fix it.

For example, for my website, I am targeting the keyword “Unicourt removal.”

I have created this highly targeted page:,

But Google is ranking this page: because it previously had a mention of “Unicourt removal” on it.

Although it’s ranking #9, I know I can do better if only Google will rank the page I want it to rank.

This is the most common reason why our service doesn’t work, and it is easily fixed, although it might take a little trial and error.

In this example, I don’t know why Google is ranking the Court Records page and not the Unicourt Removal page, so I took it to the extreme and removed all mention of “Unicourt” from the Court Records page.

Then I re-submitted the Court Records page to Google Search Console to notify Google that the page had changed.

Within a week, Google picked up on the page and look what happened to my rankings.

Since Google is now ranking the page I want it to rank, I jumped to #4.

Now, I can get back to CTR and push to get into the Top 3.

You can count on us to identify similar problems for you and your clients.



The cost is based on the average US monthly search for each keyword you want to target, as reported by Google Keyword Planner. I think you’ll be surprised at how affordable this service is for what it delivers. Please schedule a call to get a quote or you can email me at or text 503-890-6663.

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