
How To Use Manta To Get More Business

I’ve been writing about the importance of directory listings for some time now and one of the better ones to join (for free) is because not only can you optimize your business for SEO purposes, but you can also generate leads by utilizing all of its resources (without paying a dime).

Here’s how to use Manta to build more relationships and get more business.

First, sign up.  It’s free and easy.

Now, optimize your business listing on Manta.

1.  List all of your business websites, products, and services.

2.  Use your keywords as the first line in your description.  You might write, “Portland Pizza delivery company ABC Pizza…..”

3.  Fully populate all additional fields.  Take advantage of the section, “Links To Other Media” and make sure to include all of your business information.

4.  Utilize Twitter and Facebook connections.  Manta will pull your Tweets right into your profile page, providing you with a traffic and link opportunity.

Take a look at my page  if you want to see an example of how to fully optimize your Manta page listing.

how to use manta to get more business

Connect With Others

Once you’ve optimized your business profile page, start making connections.  Using the “Manta Connect” feature, you can search for topics that you can help out with or post a topic providing your expertise to other small business owners.  Personally, I like to look through the latest activity and comment on questions that have been asked within the last couple days.  I try to provide thoughtful answers put some time into my reply.

You can create links in your reply to other business owners, just make sure to not create repetitive links for your target keyword, otherwise you could wind up getting kicked out of the top 100 search results by Google’s 2012 Penguin update.  I recommend using your name, your brand, or your URL as the keyword.  Sometimes I like to mix in a long-tail keyword with some flare just for the fun of it.

You can also make find conversations relevant to your niche by using the “Find Conversations” or “Search Conversations” boxes.  While you can target your possible prospects this way, you might find the conversations are much older – that’s why I like to browse the Lates Activity section.

Lastly, make direct connections with others you see in the forum.  It’s a good bet that you can build valuable relationships with like-minded marketers using Manta in the same way that you are.  I reach out to competitors too, because I believe there’s enough to go around.

Need help optimizing your profile?  Just give me a call at 503-890-6663.

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